The FarCry Core webtop has had a huge makeover in recent months. One of the new features we've added is a configurable, extendable Dashboard for the webtop home page.
When Ghost was announced last year there was a lot of hype and controversy surrounding the dashboard and it's availability; it was beautifully designed, but was it useful or neccessary? For FarCry we think dashboards are useful but they need to contain a mix of statistics and activity feeds - the useful stuff that a user really wants to know when they are about to start work.
Out of the box we ship a few simple dashboard cards as examples but the main idea is that developers can create dashboard cards that are tailored to their products, plugins or projects. For example the FarCry CMS plugin ships with dashboard cards that shows embargoed news and recently receieved user feedback. For custom applications the possibilities are endless; new user registrations, comments to be moderated, integrated analytics, newsletter signups, this weeks sales figures, etc.
FarCry Core 7.0 is shaping up to be a great release so keep your eye out for more news in the coming weeks :)